Викторина Posted on 22 июня 2020 by Alphaleo Welcome to your Викторина? Template Variables %POINT_SCORE% - Score for the quiz when using points %AVERAGE_POINT% - The average amount of points user had per question %AMOUNT_CORRECT% - The number of correct answers the user had 2 - The total number of questions in the quiz %CORRECT_SCORE% - Score for the quiz when using correct answers - The name the user entered before the quiz %USER_BUSINESS% - The business the user entered before the quiz %USER_PHONE% - The phone number the user entered before the quiz %USER_EMAIL% - The email the user entered before the quiz Викторина - The name of the quiz %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS% - Shows the question, the answer the user provided, and the correct answer %COMMENT_SECTION% - The comments the user entered into comment box if enabled %TIMER% - The amount of time user spent on quiz in seconds %TIMER_MINUTES% - The amount of time user spent on quiz in minutes %CATEGORY_POINTS_X% - X: Category name - The amount of points a specific category earned. %CATEGORY_SCORE_X% - X: Category name - The score a specific category earned. %CATEGORY_AVERAGE_POINTS% - The average points from all categories. %CATEGORY_AVERAGE_SCORE% - The average score from all categories. %QUESTION% - The question that the user answered %USER_ANSWER% - The answer the user gave for the question %CORRECT_ANSWER% - The correct answer for the question %USER_COMMENTS% - The comments the user provided in the comment field for the question %CORRECT_ANSWER_INFO% - Reason why the correct answer is the correct answer 15 января 2025 - The Current Date E-mail Имя 1. Что самое опасное для планеты Маленького принца? Вулканы Баобабы Вирусы Отсутствует За каким цветком ухаживал Маленький принц? Роза Мимоза Кактус Отсутствует Третье сообщение Время вышло Похожее